Step 3: Send an SMS

Let's send your first SMS message with your newly minted API key and API secret! The simplest way is to send the request through the Mac Terminal or Windows PowerShell .

Part 1.) Create your Basic Authentication Token

The Authorization token is a Base64 encoded string, combining your API_KEY + ":" + "API_Secret

Mac Terminal

  • echo -n "API_KEY:API_Secret" | base64

Windows PowerShell

$myString = "API_KEY:API_Secret"
$base64String = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($myString))
echo $base64String

Part 2.) Send the message


Kudosity trial accounts can only send messages to the mobile number provided during account sign up.

Update the code with your encoded authentication token and the number you are trying to send to:

  • Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXX
  • To - XXXXXXX - Kudosity trial accounts can only send messages to the number registered for their account.

Mac Terminal

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXX' \
--form 'message="Hello, World"' \
--form 'to="XXXXXXXXXX"'

Windows PowerShell

# Define the API endpoint
$apiUrl = ""

# Define the headers
$headers = @{
    "Authorization" = "Basic " + $base64String
    "Content-Type"  = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

# Define the Body
$form = @{
    message = "Hello, World"
    to = "XXXXXXX"

#Convert body data to JSON
$formEncoded = ($form.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { [System.Uri]::EscapeDataString($_.Key) + "=" + [System.Uri]::EscapeDataString($_.Value) }) -join "&"

$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $apiUrl -Method Post -Body $formEncoded -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

# Display the response
echo $response


  "message_id": 1141834139,
  "send_at": "2024-05-09 02:29:33",
  "recipients": 1,
  "cost": 0.087,
  "sms": 1,
  "delivery_stats": {
    "delivered": 0,
    "pending": 0,
    "bounced": 0,
    "responses": 0,
    "optouts": 0
  "message_overidden": "Your message has been overridden by this pre configured demo message during the trial period",
  "error": {
    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "description": "OK"

Congratulations! You've just sent your first message through the Kudosity API πŸ˜€ πŸš€

As part of our trial experience, we'll override the message and send a templated messages.

What’s Next

Read more about our API Docs